Through an examination of historical documents and the use of an interactive map, students will gain an understanding of what the Allies were trying to accomplish, and why. This lesson will guide students through the military campaigns of the Pacific theater, tracing the path of the Allied offensives. The government in Tokyo announced its surrender soon thereafter, bringing World War II to an end.

One by one the largest cities in Japan were hammered from the air-a strategy that culminated in the use of the first atomic bombs, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in August 1945. By early 1945 the noose was tightening around Japan itself, as Allied forces captured islands close enough to be used as airbases for bombing raids against Japanese cities. The strategy employed was often called "island-hopping" or "leap-frogging"-concentrating on certain critical enemy bases while bypassing others in the hope that, cut off from their supply routes, they would "wither on the vine," as the American commander, Douglas MacArthur, put it.
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Thus began the long, slow process of forcing the enemy out of a series of fortified positions in the Central and South Pacific. victory over the Japanese Navy at Midway succeeded in stopping the Axis advance in the Pacific, and by early 1943 the Marines had driven the Japanese from Guadalcanal.