Note: While BootstrapCDN (content distribution network) is the preferred method for providing huge performance gains in load time, this method does depend on using this third party service.

Go to the Bootstrap Library setting from the backend “admin/config/development/bootstrap_library” and configure on which pages and themes you want to load the libraries (by default everything but admin/*).Go to the Modules section in the backend “admin/modules” and enable the “ Bootstrap Library”.
Bootstrap theme drupal 9 install#

Go to the Modules section in the backend “admin/modules” and enable the “jquery_update”.Note: Bootstrap requires a minimum jQuery version of 1.7 or higher and so install the module “jquery_update” from.

Download a base bootstrap theme “Bootstrap 7.x-3.0 “ from this location and place it inside “sites/all/themes” or a similar “sites/*/themes folder”.5 quick steps to integrate BOOTSTRAP Theme with Drupal The theme supports fluid grid system that adapts your website to mobile devices and the desktop or any other viewing environment. grouping of buttons or buttons with drop-down option, make and navigation lists, horizontal and vertical tabs, navigation, breadcrumb navigation, pagination, etc.). Bootstrap is a Open Source responsive theme containing modular CSS and re-usable commonly used interface elements with advanced features (e.g.